Dear VERA Community,

We're reaching a pivotal moment in VERA's journey where we'll be entering a period of hibernation. This decision comes after careful consideration, and we want to ensure you understand what this means for you and for VERA.

During this hibernation, VERA's active development and services will be paused. This is a strategic pause, allowing us to recalibrate and plan for the future with greater insight and innovation.

We cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible support, feedback, and engagement we've received from each one of you. Our journey, marked by shared milestones and achievements, wouldn't have been the same without this vibrant community.

We're committed to keeping you informed. Updates on VERA's next chapters will be shared through our usual channels, and we encourage you to stay connected.

For any inquiries or further clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Your thoughts and support continue to be invaluable to us.

Thank you for being an integral part of VERA's journey.

Warm regards,

The VERA Team